Thought for Today:
If I learn to create love in my heart and silently share it with everyone I meet, Love will grace every corner of my life.
http://www.thoughtfortoday.org.uk/How true is this. If we can only find it in ourselves to Love ourselves, Love life, Love each other,….just Love. Let it fill every part of you, show Love, be Love….
Remember the feeling of being on cloud 9? Maybe it was a crush or first love… Maybe it was that gift you always wanted…Maybe it was going on that vacation of a lifetime… Your first pet…. Basking in the Light under the cool shade of a tree watching clouds go by…. We’ve all felt it at least once, that unstoppable excitement in the soul, that energy, that Love of/for life… Everything was possible… Nothing can stop us… It’s an amazing feeling!.. Whatever it was, remember how everything seemed right!?!
No one could take that feeling away from you. You walked a little higher, smiled a little broader, no one could break that inner “cloud 9” glow. You want to know something? It was contagious… That Love you had so great inside, exploded outside and no matter who or what you touched, it was affected by it!! That Light inside touched a spark in everyone and everything around you!
Love, is an inside job. True Love for Life, for Spirit, for God, Love for ourselves and another, it fills the soul and can’t be contained! It’s like trying to hide a powerful flashlight that’s turned on… you can’t. You can try putting your hand over the light to hide it’s glow; (We’ve tried this as children. If not, go try it now! Find a flashlight, turn off the lights and try to hide the glow with your hand..) The light is so powerful it shines through your hand, through you.
The Light glows through you and makes you glow too!! You’re alive with the Light; it’s changed and you can’t hide it. It glows!If you are filled with Love, your inner Light shines, as a matter of fact…. It Glows! You can’t hide it, you can’t contain it. You can’t keep it to yourself, it’s impossible.
Have you ever sat next to a stranger yet feel the joy they bring? They don’t have to say one word, you just know and feel their glow. All the sudden you’re smiling, or laughing, or just feeling better for just having been near that person.
Create Love in your heart and silently share it with everyone!! Be “that” person, fill your heart and soul with the Light of Love. You will find that when people come up they’ll see and feel the Love and Joy, the Positive Energy around you, and smile. Watch as they walk by,.. their step is a little lighter, their face a little less stressed… God works in wondrous ways! The power of Love is unstoppable, it will grace every corner of your life.
May you be filled with Love and may you glow with inner Light that shines today and always filling every corner of your life.
Thank you all for sharing your glow, your Light, your Love with me and making my day a little brighter, my step a little quicker, my smile a little broader… You are truly a gift to me and others.
Love and Light, Nina P