Thought For Today

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's About Time's About Time....

One of my favorite singers of all time. His soulful music stretches beyond time and space. He was a visionary of Peace, Hope and Love...

We are all children united by our ONE heritage, living on this ONE earth as ONE family called humankind. May we be Thankful for mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children, etc... And pray for Peace, Hope, Love and Light for all of our family members on this ONE earth. We may not always agree with our family, but we are always family and need to show Love.... If we don't than who will....

ONE person at a time... we can start a revolution of Tolerance, Peace, Prosperity, Hope, Love and Light.  Embrace your heritage; forgive your neighbor as yourself and Love one another and as the ONE with many names throughout time,  Loves us. May you have the Peace and Understanding of ONE. Blessings of abundance, Peace, Love, Hope and Light to you and yours always and all ways.

Let your ONE Light shine so others may see....  for by example we must be the beacon for others to see, learn and join in the ONE Light, the ONE Love...
After all.... isn't it About Time?

Love and Light,
Nina P
Listen and you will hear... ONE song throughout the glory of Nature