I was out on 12/21/10 having some fun trying to photograph the moon. What a magical night... the clouds kept a playful vigil... I am posting these for New Year's. A time of reflection and a time of awakening possibilities... a mystical time to live, be, grow... When you look up, you have no choice but to feel part of something much greater than ourselves..... The first photo of the moon peeking through the clouds at about 11:00pm didn't look extra special until I downloaded it... Then... it had its own message to tell.... it tells of the greatness of all that is, all that was, and all that is yet to be. We are part of something grand.... In, with and through us... there is something so magnificent.... we are part of a whole that is simply amazing... Hence my title of the first photo.. "God is watching us" or maybe I should revise it and say "God is watching over us"...

The eye of God
The moon can change the tides....
Stay focused above...
The mystery of life....
As above so below... a reflection of the Light...
Moon shadows, moon shadows....
Remember that every breath you take is a new beginning filled with possibilities and opportunities....
May your New Year be filled with the wonderful magic of Life, Possibilities, Hope, Love, Peace and Joy. May you and yours be Blessed and my you find Peace and Understanding as to tap into the wisdom of Eternity. Blessings to you and yours.Love and Light, Nina P