Be a Servant:
Be a servant of
service for a Higher Calling, A Higher Power, a Higher Cause.
So much negativity is associated with the word
servant. It may bring negative emotions to some as they remember times of
people in power forcing others to "serve" their whims of greed and
ego. These people use(d) hate and fear
to control others to make themselves feel superior, powerful, important....
They use(d ) other human beings to fill the hole within themselves. If they control
others they never had to look within to see what was there, or rather, what was
not. They could be above others (in their mind at least) making others do
whatever he/she felt they wanted done. They felt or feel if they humiliate another human being by
making them servants, they could be and feel whole.... However, in the deepest segments
of their soul... they were still hollow, for nothing can fill a void that is
created by ego and greed except the realization that once we let go of ego, let
go of greed, let go of the need, or wanting of power and controlling
others..... it is then, and only then, that we begin to feel whole. Then and
only then we can feel as part of the Greater Collective the ONE that Unites us
all as Spirits of humanity, as spirits of Love, as spirits of the Highest,
God..... but that is for another topic, another day...Today, I want to focus on being a Servant, being of Service. Take away the negativity associated with the word servant and look at it with a pure heart and being a servant with faith, gratitude and Love. If you really think about it, that is why we are all here; to serve. And when we all realize this, what a better world it will be.
This concept was hard for me at first. for "isn't
it better to give than to receive?" A true statement if you are talking about "receiving"
that which is not yours to receive; If you are "receiving" that which
is not yours to take; if you are "receiving" for the sake of ego and
greed; if you are "receiving" to obtain power or control, than you
are actually not receiving at all but rather taking from or of another. And,
no, this is not part of the Masters plan, this type of receiving or rather
taking, is always ego driven, power
driven, again as I mentioned before, trying to fill a hole rather than find
what is truly missing.... but that is
another topic for another day.
For those of us who have a hard time receiving; it is
OK to receive. Because through giving, you have no choice but to receive. A dear friend of mine shared this little
story with me that went something like this:
When you go and give freely to help another
human being, you are giving, serving from the
soul. You may give of your time, your money, or helping to build or rebuild
something that was lost. The person/people you are helping are in dire
need of this help. For some of them too,
it is hard to receive; as they may not feel worthy of such gifts, they may not be able to return the "favor",
they may have the same problem of receiving as you do, yet their circumstance makes it impossible not to accept help. So they do, with a heart so full of gratitude and maybe unworthiness,
they accept the help so they may survive.
As a thank you for what you have
done, they may take of what little they have and make, or give you something that is precious to them to
give to you in return. Your heart is
such that your immediate response is to say: " no thank you, you keep it,
you need it." Did you Look
at their faces when you said no to their gift of gratitude? Did you see you see the hurt in their eyes? I know your
heart was saying, they have so little, they need this, or this belonged to their ancestors, their family,
they should keep this... but at some level,
you dishonored them by not accepting their gratitude. You put yourself, your
ego, above
them by saying no thank you. Next time, think of this before you turn away a gift of gratitude: Remember how good it made you feel when you freely gave/helped/served someone in need? ... well, when you do not open to receive their gift of gratitude, of love, you are actually depriving them of that same feeling... and what gives you the right to make that judgment and take away that gift, that feeling from them?" So accept the gift with a humble grateful heart and honor their spirit as they horror yours... and say Thank you.
True story and powerful words. They hit me in the heart like lead. There is a difference in taking for the sake of taking and receiving that from another that is given with gratitude and love. For one is ego, greed, and self serving and the other is an honoring; a union of souls through Love.
Be a Servant of Light and Love. Serve with an open and pure heart. And by doing this, you will have no choice but to receive. For we receive so much gratitude, so much Love from the universe, from animals, from nature and other human beings in return for whatever our service may be. I feel the world, this community and ourselves would be so much better off if we learned to be True Servants of Life, of Eternity, of the Higher being/God.
Many Blessings of Love, of Life, of Service, of receiving, of Light to you and yours, always.
Love and Light,
Nina Pauline (written first from thoughts given to me while driving
and then put on paper 9/17/2011)