A Fathers Hands
There is nothing like Father’s hands
They have a story to tell
They have a story to tell
To see the Love inside his heart
Look down at his great hands
Look down at his great hands
I see the strength and tenderness
Then I remember when…
Then I remember when…
Those hands that now might sit quite still
Have done so many things
Have done so many things
Those big hands so firm and strong
Softly held his newborn baby
Softly held his newborn baby
Don't look too close, they shake a bit
While holding his new Joy
While holding his new Joy
Later on for these great hands
They tickled a tummy so soft
They tickled a tummy so soft
They goochie goochie gooed and zeezled
Finding laughter in those hands
Finding laughter in those hands
They held on tight and didn’t let go
When as toddlers we learned to walk
When as toddlers we learned to walk
Then outstretched encouraging hands
As we tried running on our own
As we tried running on our own
On my first 2 wheeler were steady hands
Balancing as I peddled fast
Balancing as I peddled fast
When I looked back to see the hands
They were clapping with such pride
They were clapping with such pride
They held my back when I learned to float
And helped me time my swing
And helped me time my swing
Those hands would “push me higher Dad”
And take fishes off my line
And take fishes off my line
His hands they brought me forward
And guided me to now
I remember them soft and tender
And also firm and hard
And also firm and hard
They clapped, shushed and reprimanded
Always encouraging with Love
Always encouraging with Love
Those hands held mine, I feel them now
I miss them yes I do
I miss them yes I do
For Father’s hands are special
They speak his silent words
They speak his silent words
Happy Fathers Day Dad
Your hands guide me still today
6/20/09 Written with Love and Light;
by Nina P.
Your hands guide me still today
6/20/09 Written with Love and Light;
by Nina P.