Thought For Today

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Another one for Camp Jack and Camp Kate's attempt to get on Ellen

I know it seems like I've forgotten everyone. I've been caught up in Holiday and post Holiday family, fun, and fatigue. Not to mention endless shoveling of snow... (smiles) I soon will be back to visit everyone again individually. Until then ...
I send out Blessings to each of you for a Prosperous, Healthy, Happy, Harmonious New Year Filled with Peace, Hope, Joy, Love and Compassion. 

While on one of your sites a while ago, I was taken by the story of this one young man's plight. (not to mention his engaging smile and sparkling eyes). Even though my free time right now is limited, I've been doing quick check ups on him. Well I just had to keep up the Ellen campaign for him and am asking for some help around the world. Here's a link to : "Be on the Ellen show" :
If you'd care to, just write down a few words to Ellen. After you've visited Jack at Camp Jack,  
you too will be hooked. Let us all pray for a cure of  Childhood Cancers, as well as a whole passel of  other Cancers, and diseases.
And yes... how could I not write a poem....
Here's what I wrote to/for Ellen:
Hi Ellen,
I'm writing again to try to get Jack of:
to dance with you on your show. He's fighting an uphill battle with Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer. He, his sister, and mom's reach out to others through their Camp Jack website. I don't know them, but all you have to do is see this young man's eyes and smile, and you'll be captured too. The Passion and compassion in this family is palpable. Just visit their site and see for yourself.

So here's another of my original requests (OK so it was written to, my minds version, of an old tune that dances in my head while I write to you):

Ellen, Dear Ellen

(Written,  with my CRS memory, trying to follow  parts  of a tune
by Roy Zimmerman:"Don't Let Grandma Cook Christmas Dinner"
 found on 1993's CD: Cabaret Noel: A Broadway Care's Christmas)

Ellen, Dear Ellen, won't you agree
Kate and Jack's smiles are cute as can be

Would you, or could you just give a Shout Out?
To help with Jack's fight is what it's about

Ellen, Dear Ellen, you are the Best!
Until you dance with jack, you won't get no rest

We are on a campaign to grant jack his wish
Joking and Dancing with you, his main dish

So Ellen, Dear Ellen, put on your show
With Jack, Kate and Mommies; Just let it be so.

You can stop my insanity with one little thing
Dance with these Campers and let their Joy ring!

Ellen, Dear Ellen; How can I stop?
When I read little wishes I feel like a cop.

I want to stop bad things from happening to kids.
Since I haven't the power, I pray shutting my lids.

So Ellen, Dear Ellen, please stop me, please do.
Or persistent I'll be with writing to you.

I'm sitting here laughing at my idle threats
My pen is my sward, that's as bad as it gets.

This tune loosely follows 93's Cabaret Noel
A song by Roy Zimmerman; but oh Please don't tell

I've searched to send you this tune that I hear
"Don't Let Grandma Cook Christmas Dinner" isn't on this year

So back to the topic as I digress
Please let Jack dance with Ellen DeGeneres
(guitar strum here)

Written with Hope, Love and Light
by Nina Pauline Ploetz