Thought For Today

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Magnificent, Magical, Never Ending Adventures of Moo and Me: The Mine

The Magnificent, Magical, Never Ending Adventure of Moo and Me: The Mine
Moo and I got back today
Tried to sleep but had to play

The galaxies were so much fun
I can't sit still I want to run

"Where too now?" I ask my friend
"mmmmmoooo" he says "that may depend"

"Did you ask Momma what she thought?"
"Let's just leave, we won't get caught"

"Remember the mine you and Momma explored?"
"You mean the one where all the gold is stored?"

"Let's go!" " Let's go!" we both agreed
"You go get everything that we need"

So off Moo went to gather up things
 I gathered my light and colored strings

Flashlights and boots and a miners hat
"I hope we're able to see a  bat"

Momma's reading a book so we snuck out
I gave Moo a kiss right on his snout

Got on his back and off we went
Into the mine we walked all bent

On with the flashlights we need to see
Off we go , One, Two, Three

Down, down... the ceiling at our backs
Look how fast we're making tracks.

There's a bend up ahead and a Y
"Oh no... which way should we try?"

I said left as Moo said right
We each looked down with our trusty light

"What do you see?" I asked Moo
"A glow in the dark down a mile or two"

Our hearts speed up as we go  explore
We go to the right to see some more

It's not too far when the walls start to glisten
"Do you hear that noise, shhh,  just listen?"

I scramble alongside and cup my ear
How strange is that it sounds quite clear

"Momma wouldn't want us to go that far"
Yet on we went wishing we had her car

On  hands and knees we did crawl
Boy am I glad we're both small

Down and down this dark road
"I should've brought my lucky toad."

I ribbitt out loud  and sing  toads song
"Come on, Come on it can't be long!"

The light gets brighter as we turn the bend
Moo stops so fast I hit his rear end

WOW! Amazing would you look at that
It's glow worms dancing with a bat

You thought you knew the electric slide
The glow worm's silk sure helps them glide

They all turn at once to stop and stare
"Turn off your lights your causing a glare"

Our flashlights off yet we could see
How many glowworms  could there be

"What are you two; troglobites?
You sure to have funny looking lights?

We looked at each other quite confused
While they looked at us quite amused

"Cave dwellers gents is what we mean
You're not even slimy you don't glean"

My name is Jack and this is Moo 
We come from where the sky is blue

Come on and join our Celebration
The bat is Kate and it's her graduation

I take off my hat saying "How do you do?"
"My name's Jack and this is Moo"

I put on their hat and drank pink slime
We both started dancing  keeping time

"Whew I'm tired and I need a break"
Just then they brought out the cake

"Happy Graduation you must be proud"
I hollered to Kate above the crowd

We ate purple cake with poke-a-dots
"Ice cream and caramel.. put on LOTS!"

She opened up gifts the last one to  go
A funny lizard that looked like a toe

Moo and me each looked at the ground
"We must find a gift let's look around"

I reached in my pocket and pulled out a string
Tied it to her finger it made a cute ring

"How nice of you to think of me so
I hate to say it but it's time to go"

One last dance we danced with Kate
A wiggle dance with glow worms...Great!

Saying good bye we put on our light
"The battery's dead" we said in fright

"No worries new friends we'll help you along"
"We'll shine you a way that's not so long"

We inched along as worms tend to do
Following close were me and Moo Moo

Climbing up higher we felt the rise
Soon we saw light to our surprise

"Thank you glowworms here's something for you
Lots of colored string; Red White and Blue"

They turned and glowed back into their cave
We said good bye and turned with a wave

We squinted our eyes as we came into the sun
Talking and laughing , we had so much fun

Oh what stories we will have to tell
Of Kate and Glow worms and slimy gel

I climbed on Moo's back and off we ran
"Will we make it?" Moo answered, "I think we can"

We ran straight home, didn't stop to play
We'll have more adventures another day
Written for everyone at Camp jack:
with Hope, Love and Light
by Nina Pauline Ploetz 4/18/2011

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