Thought For Today

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Clytie needs our healing thoughts and Prayers.

Our dear Friend Clytie is in need of your Healing thoughts and Prayers again. She is in the Hospital and needs the Love and Healing thoughts and prayers from All. May God Bless Clytie with Healing Power and Grace, Bless the Dr.'s and nurses and health care workers taking care of her, May her family and friends be Blessed and my God's Healing Love spread over all. Blessings of Love and Light. This was written for Clytie 2 years ago, but it is time ot re-post.

Clytie see's hearts all over the world. Lets now pray for hers to heal

Our Dear friend Clytie has fallen ill.
So please all help if you will

Say a prayer to send her healing
Bless the family who all are reeling

Guide them safe as they travel
Keep them all from unravel

Grant them Faith and Understanding
When life is hard and so demanding

Guide all those that care for her health
Give them all Your Spiritual wealth

Now bow our heads and say a prayer
From heart to heart lets all be there

Lift up our voices all as one
Pray for Clytie that healings begun

We lift our hearts to you Above
God Bless Clytie with your Healing Love

May God grant His Healing Power and Grace to Clytie. May Peace and Understanding Guide thoughts and prayers. May God Bless Family and Friends as we gather around in Thought and Love. May you feel God's Power within you today and may He grant you Healing in every way. Healing Thoughts and Prayers go out to each and every one of you. Faith, Hope, Peace and Love be yours today and always. God, Bless all that are in need of Your Healing Power and Grace. May Your Light shine down upon them and give them Peace.
Love and Light, Nina P

You can keep track of her progress and send Healing thoughts, prayers and wishes to the following sites:

Grannie Anne's Place:

Beth Niquette Fine Art:

Clytie at Random Hearts:

Clytie @ Random Stuff:

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