Thought For Today

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Graduation


Graduation is here and it’s time to say
God Bless your future come what may.

The roads been hard but you’ve made it through
Since it’s done, now what to do?

The classes, the grind, and teachers comment
Stand in your mind no more to lament

The world’s your oyster, is what some say
What ever that means, just seize the day

Life is hard but you can win
Trust in the Lord and try not to sin

He said; “ask and you shall receive”
To do this, you must always believe

College or work, or whatever‘s your lead
Doing your best you’ll always succeed

You may be tempted by many things
Trust in the Lord and all that He brings

Through ups and downs, He is your guide
Stand strong in Faith and feel His Pride

Your life’s a canvas, a painting in part
God’s own masterpiece; you’re His Great Art

You don’t know what the painting will be
Walk with the Lord and you will see

All of your moments keep adding a stroke
The painting’s yours, no one can revoke

Dark lines are added not to give fright;
Instead they give depth to all that is bright

Your painting is crafted by His Almighty hand
To deepen our lives as is His command

So stay strong in Faith, Courage and Love
Know that His guidance comes from above

Graduation’s a time, a Journey to start
Have fun, enjoy and keep God in your heart.

Written with Faith/Hope and Love,
by Nina P.

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